Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 17 #7997893 Od: 2018-12-4
Ilość edycji wpisu: 2 | Witam. Post dla przykładu. Jak działa support GGG...
Zhackowali mi konto PoE. Nie zwróciłem uwagi, bo od jakichś 2 lat nie grałem w PoE. Próba odzyskania konta to kpina i zabawa z Botami.
Kopia maili z nimi:
Hi there,
Thanks for getting back to us.
Could you please provide us with some more information regarding the purchases you have made? Specifically:
If you used Xsolla, could you please provide us with the relevant Xsolla invoice ID's? If you used Steam Wallet, could you please provide us with the relevant transaction ID(s)? If you used any other payment method, could you please provide us with the dates and amounts of these purchases?
Kind regards, Ian #HS:1985193782-903394# On Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 6:02 AM NZST, Mi Ra <,>, wrote: Hi Will,
I Was in a guild - Kapliks Team, I think, also private league Kozy Kaplika. Kaplik was the founder, he was a good player and won some of races. Also a streamer back then.
I have made some purchaches, only stash tabs, no skins.
Best regards, RadziuLL
-- Pozdrawiam Michał,
Dnia 25 sierpnia 2022 07:59 Support <,>, napisał(a):
On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 5:59 PM NZST, Support <,>, wrote: Hey there,
Thanks for getting back to us.
Could you please let us know if you have ever been in a guild? Additionally, could you also please let us know if you have made any purchases on your Path of Exile account?
Kind regards, Will On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 4:06 AM NZST, Mi Ra <,>, wrote: Hi Kane,
First time I played PoE in 2013 and it Was in Gdynia / Poland. Then after many Years (in 2018) I moved to Lommel / Belgium. And here I came back to PoE for a long time.
I'm not sure which account counts, but I think my first character Was already here, when I came back to the game. So Gdynia / Poland is the mother 
Most of transactions I made, are from my Belgium Account, acc no: BE77 7410 1332 6442 My IPv4 adress is:
Many thanks for Your time given to help me. 
Best Regards RadziuLL
-- Pozdrawiam Michał,
Dnia 23 sierpnia 2022 03:13 Support <,>, napisał(a):
On Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 1:13 PM NZST, Support <,>, wrote: Hi there,
Thank you for letting us know.
Before we can look into restoring access to this account, we will need to verify some information with you to confirm ownership of this account. We would greatly appreciate your cooperation throughout this procedure.
First, could you please provide us with the location(city/country) that you created your account in?
Also, could you please provide us with your current IPv4 address? You should be able to find this with a Google search for "what is my public IPv4 address".
If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please feel free to let us know.
Kind regards, Kane On Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 6:25 AM NZST, Mi Ra <,>, wrote: Hi, Thank You for Help. I have changed passwords and scanned my computer. Now I will just wait. During the week, I dont have much time for playing, but It would be great to get on legs before weekend. ,)
Best Regards, RadziuLL
-- Pozdrawiam Michał,
Dnia 22 sierpnia 2022 02:04 Support <,>, napisał(a):
On Mon, Aug 22, 2022 at 12:04 PM NZST, Support <,>, wrote: Hi there,
Thank you for confirming that for us.
If your account has been compromised it means that your email address and/or Steam account has also been compromised. Hackers will need access to your email to unlock your account with the unlock code that would have been sent to you. I strongly recommend that you change the password for your Path of Exile account and the associated email to unique, complex passwords that are not used for any other accounts.
Chris (the lead developer) has written some long posts regarding account security and how to protect yourself against hackers. I recommend checking them out -
Regarding Account Security & Theft:
Regarding Hacking:
Unfortunately, as Chris states in his posts, we are unable to offer rollbacks or restore items stolen by other players. I am truly sorry about this, as we know how frustrating it can be to lose all your hard work to hackers. We have been actively investigating all reports of compromised accounts, and we're tracking down these hackers as quickly as possible and banning their accounts.
Your account has been locked to prevent any further damage, please let us know when you have completed a malware scan of your computer and changed your email password and we can go ahead and look into recovering your account.
Kind regards, Kane On Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 7:22 PM NZST, Mi Ra <,>, wrote: Hi, thank You for reply.
I didn't change my e-mail adress, but once I had problem with steam (stolen account) which is fixed.
My other e-mail adress is: Are there some chances to get back my old stuff?
-- Pozdrawiam Michał,
Dnia 21 sierpnia 2022 07:29 Support <,>, napisał(a):
On Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 5:29 PM NZST, Support <,>, wrote: Hi there,
Thank you for the message. Can you please let us know if you have ever changed the email address linked to the account?
Thank you again.
Best regards, Rob On Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 1:13 AM NZST, Mi Ra <,>, wrote:
Hi, After a Year or two break form PoE i decided to play it today. Unfortunately my old Account doesnt work. I cant log in or anything.
I have created new account, but damn all stashes again...? Is there some way to get it back? Account Name was: RadziuLL. I have played via steam. In Attachement some fotos of my PoE on steam. Please Help!  -- Pozdrawiam Michał,
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